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Happy Customers

Before I came across Layla and her coven, my situation felt totally hopeless. He already moved out and another woman was involved. I saw a change in a matter of days.


Talk about a FAST resolution. My wife was filing for divorce, but after I got a custom spell by Layla, she almost immediately changed her tune and I saw the same things in my wife I had been missing for years. True love. She was actually, truly in love with me again!! I am OVER the worse part of my life and onto the BEST!!!


I never thought I’d be happy again. But now I see my soulmate existed and I am able to live the life I know I was meant to live. Sharing my love with someone has always been my greatest wish and now I have it. Thank you guys for such a job well done!


Layla is a miracle worker. She turned nothing into something and had him eating out of my palms so quickly my head spun. Your coven is the best and I’ll scream it from the tops of the mountains!


If there was anyone who ever cared about my case like I do, it’s Layla. She is amazing and will treat your case like it’s your own. We are talking less than a week to turn my situation upside down and give me a new lease on life. Thank you for helping my man see the errors of his ways and fixing everything. I cannot thank you enough.


With so much experience, I thought, how could I go wrong? And I wasn’t. Hiring the Egyptian coven was the best thing I ever did. It changed everything. It changed my life!


I never thought I could win at anything. I played and played and tried and tried and bought and bought. But Every single ticket was a loser. Until I met this coven. Layla and her team are the best there is and there is no substitute for the best. I am very happy with my winnings! Well worth it girls! Thank you!


She is a step above the rest. I saw results within a few days after bringing her team on board. They cast a custom spell for me to start, and I almost instantly saw results. I hired her for a few more things and have been happy with everything. You women are the bomb!


Ending my divorce was a feat I never saw anyone achieving. I had limited cash so I decided to go with the best and I am ultra happy I did. Thank you for fixing this in time. I owe your coven everything.


Our first date was so magic and then he ghosted me. To this day, I’m not sure why as our chemistry was supreme. Your coven helped me show him this connection was the real deal. I finally had a chance to get that second date I wanted and more…and we are now engaged, after only a few short months he proposed.

Mary Anne

I thought he was never going to talk to me again. He even had a restraining order against me for heaven’s sake. I then found egyptian coven, which cast a spell that removed the order, brought him to his proper sense, and delivered me his apology and commitment on a silver platter. I am always going to be grateful for you ladies and your hard work. God Bless you for everything you have done for me and my NOW HUSBAND!!!!!


If I had not come across Layla, I have no idea where I’d be. She turned my situation around and gave me the chance to be a better man. Thank you for giving me the second chance I felt I always deserved. I will not let you, or my fiance down.


My girl caught me cheating and I will admit I was completely wrong, but we are soulmates, meant to be, I know this in my heart. And all the begging in the world, I also know, could not have done what this coven did for me. I am so happy she has taken me back and I will never mess up again. Thank you so much!


Life is harder when you are gay. And no one understood my relationship. But Layla and coven had a very empathetic approach, giving me the same treatment I deserved, and they showed my man my heart was pure. We are back together and only after a matter of four days. You guys are as real as it gets….


No one thought my relationship could be saved. No one. My parents and my friends all told me to ditch it. I hired this coven as a last resort. The truth is, they should have been my first resort! WAY TO FIX IT ALL!! WHOO!


I saw my husband with another woman and freaked. They were touching, kissing, etc.. I confronted him, he claimed it was only a friend, until he left me for her. Within less than two weeks, he was back with me and she was kicked to the curb.


I feel like my relationship hit a point of no return but out of left field I hired Layla to take care of things. She told me to sit back and relax, and leave it to her, which is what I did do. It took 2 days after bringing her on board and it was a thousand times better. I cannot thank yall enough.


He left me for my best friend. I was so upset. I spent years trying to chase this dude down. I knew in my soul we were meant to be. I ended up winning this battle. They separated. Broke up permanently. He left her for me, told me he made the worst mistake of his life, and has been committed ever since. I never thought you guys could fix him but you did. Props to you. Bravo. Would hire again!


The only person who would talk to me was my mother in law. Everyone else in his family ignored me. He was leaving me. Even packed his stuff and left for three weeks. Layla bought him back and now I am confident he will stay. I owe you everything girl. From one girl to another, you are the best.


Jackpot baby! I won more money than I could ever imagine. I will consider you all family for the rest of my life!


She said yes! She actually said yes! And I have you to thank for it Layla. Thank you so much! You have my back and I now have yours. I’ll do anything to prove to the world you are the real deal legit!!!!


I came to your coven desperate but I left incredibly satisfied. I can testify to the powers this coven has. They fixed what I would call an impossible relationship. We are both now very happy together and nothing could ever come between us.


Well, we were in competition for this guy and I was losing. I hired Egyptian Coven and got results in less than a week. I am ecstatic. They are top quality and kept me informed the entire time. I couldn’t ask for more!


I did not really want her back but she’s certainly begging. And she ditched her new douchey boyfriend to try and get another chance with me. I am happier without her, but you did what you said and you did it fast. For that I commend you.


Who could possibly ask for more caring, supportive spell casters? I tried so many others before you and they only took my money and ran. You stuck it through with me and got me results in a matter of two weeks. I did not see that coming! But great work and thank you for your hard efforts.


When it is meant to be it is meant to be. I knew it in my heart. And so did your coven. With your good work and compassion, we were able to get the job done. He is now my fiance, and we are very happy together.


Thank you for helping me land my dream job and in record time. We beat all the competition and I came out on top!


We got the divorce settled and I did not lose anything at all. She backed off and gave me my life back. I wanted exactly this, but thought you would only be able to partially deliver. I was wrong. You were right. It was fixable too but I prefer exactly what the spell demanded. You followed my instructions to a perfect “T”.


Without Egyptian Coven I have no idea where my relationship would be. You provided stellar service and I love the updates. Thank you for caring about my life just like I do.


He never returned my calls until I hired your coven. Now he is all over me. Well done folks. Well done. A+ I will always use Egyptian Coven and Layla is a champion!


Couldn’t have done it without you girls. You were there for me in the darkest of times and were able to bring light back into my god forsaken relationship. My man has never treated me better…


It is with every fiber in my body I say you cannot trust another coven to fix your problems. I should know as I tried them all. Layla is so good at what she does. This is true magick and it should be honored as such!


God if I could only express how hard it was to win him over. Every girl was on him and he was split attention 100%. You fixed that in about 4 days. And I am eternally grateful for everything your coven did for me. If there is anything I can ever do for you, I am your woman.


She was filing suit against me and had already taken custody of the kids. Now we are a happy family again and it only took a little more than a week. This is a godsend!!!!


Everyone in his family hated me. I did not know how we would survive all the problems. After a week all of the problems began to dissipate, one by one, rather quickly, and I owe it all to you Layla.


Girl you got some real powers. Like for real. This man was out of control. He has since ditched his single “life” and has become one heck of a family man. Thank you.


From second place to first place, I can confidently say I am now at the center of his heart and focus. I cannot thank your coven enough. Blessed Be and have a Merry New Year!


This coven is able to produce outrageous gains within such a short time. My situation was pretty dire and I was getting kicked out of my home, losing my kids, losing my dogs, losing my family. I have every thanks in the world to your diligence and hard work, keeping me posted along the way, and saving my marriage before it was truly too late.


They were definitely cheating together, but we were able to do it together. Only after one spell, the other girl was out of the picture, my original wish. The second spell had him starstruck. My advice is to trust Layla and her coven to help you like they did me, and you will not regret it!


I did not know I believed the testimonials and now I am one. Thank you for saving my relationship, and ultimately saving my life!


My relationship felt doomed. Totally hopeless. She was unresponsive, starting to treat me no better than a painting on the wall. I felt like I was watching my life from outside of my body. I hired you as a last ditch effort to fix things and I was right to do so. Thank you so much for making my life great and bringing her back to her right frame of mind. From curing her depression to helping her see I am the one, to ensuring her family was supportive, you guys did it all!


I won the actual damn lottery after hiring your coven. Amazing!!!!!


My business was in shambles, no customers, no leads, nothing. The leads and business started pouring in within a week of hiring Layla. She is the best spell caster I know, all of that and updates too! Great job!


We cannot pick our family, but we can pick our friends and Layla is a friend to me for life. After what she did for my relationship and so fast too, I cannot ever choose a better friend. Thank you girl!


I hired Layla to conduct a powerful love spell and powerful is underrated, as this was the most powerful change I could ever expect. My sister backed off my boyfriend instantly, my future mother in law decided to bless our union, and my “now fiance” proposed to me! I could not be happier with this service.


IT WORKED! He just gave me the biggest ring I can imagine and my friends are all super jealous. He is head over heels in love with me. Thanks so much!


He was calling me all sorts of names and mistreating me. He packed my bags several times and wanted me out of his house. He has changed his tune entirely due to your spell. I truly believe that you fixed my life and got this relationship back on track. I can now trust him, and he has said he will never pack me up again! I can now be happy with my soulmate. Great Spell!


Free Consultation

Are you looking to fix your relationship? Do you wish you could change your life? Layla and the Egyptian Coven would be happy to hear your story and offer you the best possible advice!

Contact us for a Free Consultation today and let’s fix this together!